Basic information
Warehouse setting, supplier / customer management, factory material management, factory item number management, factory material management, product structure (BOM) management, unit of measure / currency system / tax classification, department and employee management, operator and authority management, etc. . Customs management, corresponding management of customs products and factory materials
Purchase management
Purchase order management, purchase purchase order management, purchase return management, purchase order transfer to purchase order, purchase order transfer to return order, purchase order settlement and various purchase management statistical reports
Sales management
Sales order management, sales management, sales return management, order resale order, order rebate order, order settlement, and various sales management statistical reports
Production management
Production order (work order) management, material demand management, implementation of raw material consumption nesting, material demand transfer requisition list, material demand transfer rebate list, manufacturing order transfer to warehouse order, manufacturing order settlement, and various production management statistics Statements, etc.
Warehouse management
Management and statistics of various warehouse data, including purchase, picking, storage, sales, return, return and initial setting, warehouse allocation, warehouse inventory and outsourced processing / trusted processing, scrap and equipment management. The report includes the warehouse's current inventory and historical inventory statistics, in-out inventory details and summary accounts, as well as detailed and summary queries of various data.
Customs management
Customs declaration management, customs correspondence management of goods and factory materials, customs clearance parameter setting, contract (order-to-contract) production guide, customs contract manual management, contract write-off processing, import declaration management, export declaration management, customs management Plant opening amount setting, contract import and export details and summary statistics, contract execution progress inquiry, contract import and export amount statistics, contract finished product consumption statistics, etc.
Customs books
Warehouse document posting processing, customs inventory inquiry, material declaration import and storage comparison, production picking and export finished product consumption comparison, material balance sheet, (material, finished product, scrap) entry and exit account, equipment registration account, processing trade raw materials Source and use table, processing trade product flow chart, processing trade production equipment use table, etc. (annual three tables).